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Urtici uscate – Îngrășământ natural – gunoi și plantare

Urtici uscate – Îngrășământ natural – gunoi și plantare

Description Orties bio séchées et broyées pour plantation ou purin. L’ortie est un engrais naturel puissant riche en azote qui stimule la croissance des légumes et renforce leurs défenses contre les attaques des ravageurs. NPK 2,9% (N) 0,38% (P2Os) 2,19% (k2O) Utilisable en agriculture biologique conformément au règlement CE 834/2007 Utilisation : Potager Soins des rosiers : pucerons, oïdium, rouille, tâches noires Fruitiers Fleurs Mode d’emploi et dose d’emploi : Aérer le mulch avant l’utilisation Pucerons, rouille, oïdium, Marsonia, tâches noires : 10 /15 g par plant au rempotage Fongicide, insecticide, acaricide : 50 à 100 g / m2 à la plantattion POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:100 g, 500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg
Ananas Vanilie Brut – 37° - Brut

Ananas Vanilie Brut – 37° - Brut

Alliance de l’ananas Cayenne des plateaux du Togo avec la vanille premium de Madagascar, sans sucre ajouté. Elu meilleur produit bio 2022. Composition : Rhum Blanc Bio Français maturé en vieux fûts de Cognac, Ananas Cayenne bio équitable du Togo, Vanille premium Bio de Madagascar A servir frais, seul ou en cocktail, aussi bien en apéritif qu’en digestif Poids:1.2 kg Dimensions:10 × 10 × 19 cm Degré d'alcool:37° Macération:2 à 3 mois dans des bonbonnes en verre recyclé Visuel:Robe jaune intense
Capsule – Decafeinizat - Capsule

Capsule – Decafeinizat - Capsule

Un Decaffeinato che non perde la tipica corposità e intensità del caffè? Provalo, se non ci credi. Il gusto della tradizione con una percentuale di caffè non superiore allo 0.1 % La caffeina è estratta dal chicco ancora verde e non tostato senza l’utilizzo di solventi nocivi. Tutto il gusto morbido e vellutato del caffè, senza caffeina. Con note di caramello, cioccolato al latte e frutta secca.
Liepelt – Rochie 2

Liepelt – Rochie 2

Liepelt – Dress 2
Set de lenjerie de pat cu model floral – Husă de duvet din bumbac luxos cu fețe de pernă

Set de lenjerie de pat cu model floral – Husă de duvet din bumbac luxos cu fețe de pernă

Upgrade your bedroom with this elegant floral patterned bedding set. Made from high-quality cotton, this set includes a soft duvet cover and matching pillowcases, ensuring a cozy and stylish sleeping experience. The timeless gray background is adorned with delicate orange and white floral designs, adding a touch of sophistication to any bedroom decor. Perfect for all seasons, the fabric is breathable, lightweight, and easy to care for, offering both comfort and durability. Whether for your home or as a gift, this luxurious bedding set is the ideal choice for those who value both style and functionality. Available in various sizes to fit your bed perfectly.
Motoare hidraulice pentru mașini industriale – Eficiență și performanță ridicate

Motoare hidraulice pentru mașini industriale – Eficiență și performanță ridicate

Hydraulikmotoren von Herzog Hydraulik bieten eine effiziente Lösung für industrielle und mobile Anwendungen. Mit robuster Konstruktion und exzellenter Energieübertragung ermöglichen unsere Motoren zuverlässige Leistung bei maximaler Effizienz.
Pilot – mic dejun – pară – măr – banană – vanilie

Pilot – mic dejun – pară – măr – banană – vanilie

Pilot – breakfast – pear – apple – banana – vanilla is a delightful breakfast drink that combines the sweet flavors of pear and apple with the creamy taste of banana and vanilla. This drink is perfect for starting your day with a burst of energy and flavor, providing a delicious and convenient way to enjoy a healthy breakfast on the go. Made with high-quality ingredients, Pilot – BREAKFAST is designed to deliver a satisfying and refreshing taste experience. It is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, making it a healthy choice for those looking to maintain a balanced diet. Whether you're rushing to work or enjoying a leisurely morning, Pilot – BREAKFAST is sure to provide the energy and flavor you need to start your day right.
Suplimente Alimentare Pulbere – în Pachete Individuale sau Gemene

Suplimente Alimentare Pulbere – în Pachete Individuale sau Gemene

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in bustine singolari o gemellari, offrono una soluzione pratica e versatile per chi ha difficoltà a inghiottire le compresse. Questi integratori possono essere sciolti in acqua, offrendo un sapore gradevole e un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole. Le bustine sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni, garantendo un dosaggio personalizzabile e adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Con un ordine minimo di 100.000 bustine e un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano. La formulazione degli integratori in polvere include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo le bustine singolari o gemellari, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Container de lanț rece din plastic cu fereastră pliabilă – 1000×1200 - Cutii de palet din plastic

Container de lanț rece din plastic cu fereastră pliabilă – 1000×1200 - Cutii de palet din plastic

Reusable cold chain pallet box. This sleeve pack has a pallet dimension of 1000x1200mm but can be provided standard in the following pallet dimensions and a height of your choice: OUTSIDE (mm) INSIDE (mm) 1200 × 800 1090 x 690 1200 × 1000 1085 x 885 1140 × 790 1025 x 675 1140 × 980 1025 x 865 1220 × 1140 1110 x 1030 1300 × 1140 1185 x 1025 1470 × 1140 1355 x 1025 1550 x 1140* 1445 x 1115 1600 × 1140 1495 x 1015 * fitting a quarter of a PMC-plate (for air cargo). CONSTRUCTION WALLS 10mm thick, 3.000gr/m2 density high impact Polypropylene cell structured laminated plate material WALL ISOLATION VIP-panels (Vacuum insulated panels) with fused silica RIMS all rims are closed for hygiene and easy cleaning PALLET & LID Hdpe Twin sheet injection molding SKU:PIN.b95.FT Ground-size:1000×1200 External dimension:1000x1200xH1100 Interior-dimension:1107x907xH900 Height when folded (mm):250 Weight (kg):43 Loading Capacity DYNAMISCH (kg):300 Stacking (Static):1+3 Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ):100 Condition:new Wall thickness (mm):10 Folding window:Yes Mouse Tight:Yes Lid:included Length:1200 Width:1000 External height:1100 Inside Height (cm):950 Wall type:Closed Product consists of:walls, pallet & lid UN Certified:no


ART. 838 CERNIERE PESANTI IN ACCIAIO ZINCATO – perno fisso Confezione:24 Dimensioni (mm):50 x 40 x 1,3 Pollici:2
ITAS – Sistem industrial de cântare și platforme de lucru

ITAS – Sistem industrial de cântare și platforme de lucru

Collegamento dei tubi estremamente semplice, senza fastidiose transizioni - I tubi di collegamento tagliati alla lunghezza richiesta possono essere collegati ai raccordi per tubi in alluminio estruso ITAS tramite un semplice principio d'innesto. Non è necessaria un'ulteriore lavorazione meccanica. Ciò riduce al minimo lo sforzo di montaggio. Tramite un meccanismo di tensionamento interno e stringendo speciali viti di serraggio vengono garantiti serraggi ad accoppiamento di forza e un collegamento con transizioni dei contorni lisce. Sono caratterizzati da una gradevole sensazione al tatto e inoltre contribuiscono alla sicurezza – è impossibile che si verifichino lesioni dovute a "inceppamenti". Il risultato è un sistema semplice e stabile che soddisfa tutte le direttive in materia di sicurezza.
Marmură Roșie Africană - Marmură Roșie Africană – Piatră naturală luxoasă pentru aplicații elegante

Marmură Roșie Africană - Marmură Roșie Africană – Piatră naturală luxoasă pentru aplicații elegante

Format (in cm): Der Afrikanische Rote Marmor ist in verschiedenen Standardformaten erhältlich, darunter 60x30 cm, 60x60 cm, 120x60 cm sowie in großformatigen Platten von bis zu 200x100 cm. Sondergrößen sind ebenfalls auf Anfrage verfügbar. Menge (m²): Die verfügbare Menge richtet sich nach dem Projektbedarf. Kleinere Projekte können ab 50 m² beliefert werden, größere Projekte können mehr als 1000 m² umfassen. Teile: Platten (Slabs): Diese werden oft für Arbeitsplatten, Fassadenverkleidungen und luxuriöse Oberflächen im Innenbereich verwendet. Fliesen (Tiles): Die Fliesenformate eignen sich hervorragend für Bodenbeläge und Wandverkleidungen in Wohn- und Geschäftsräumen. Individuelle Zuschnitte: Auf Anfrage werden auch maßgeschneiderte Zuschnitte für spezielle Designanforderungen wie Treppen, Fensterbänke und andere architektonische Details angeboten.
Filtru fagure – hârtie multicamă - Soluțiile noastre de filtrare

Filtru fagure – hârtie multicamă - Soluțiile noastre de filtrare

Filtre Nid d’Abeilles – papier multicouches composé de plusieurs couches de papier kraft ignifugé fendues, étirées et superposées en utilisant le principe du filtre à choc. Filtre décliné en 4 versions avec un nombre de couches de papier évolutif en fonction du volume et du type de produit pulvérisé. Ajout d’un filtre en ouate polyester côté sortie d’air sur certaines versions pour en accroître la finesse de filtration. Son atout est une épaisseur faible adaptée aux lignes automatiques de pulvérisation de peinture/vernis à plat. Depuis 1992, Technicis Filtration est le 1er fabricant français de filtres en carton plissé, spécialiste de la filtration en cabines de peinture industrielles. Largeurs standards:1,07 m


CORREDO DEL BUON BERE – Mondano Exotic contiene: 1 Bottiglia di Gin Mondano Exotic 1 Acqua Tonica 1 Tumbler alto PEDRO FERREIRA 1 Jigger 1 Shaker 1 T-shirt PEDRO FERREIRA Box riutilizzabile
Sticky Tape Bag - O o saco de fita adesiva versátil - ótimo para embalar.

Sticky Tape Bag - O o saco de fita adesiva versátil - ótimo para embalar.

The sticky tape bag is a flexible packaging solution, perfect for a wide range of products in industries like accessories, food, cosmetics, textiles, and electronics. Made from high-quality, transparent, and shiny OPP or CPP film (PPCast), it offers top-notch protection against dust, dirt, and the elements while letting your products shine through. The sticky tape closure makes it super easy to seal securely, keeping everything fresh and safe. We also provide full customization: choose from different sizes, material thicknesses, euro hang holes, and reinforced banners. Make your packaging fit your industry perfectly! Stand out and grab the attention of potential customers with our fantastic sticky tape bags!
Cordon pentru Stâlp de Marcaj – Finisaj Împletit Negru Argintiu - ACCESORII

Cordon pentru Stâlp de Marcaj – Finisaj Împletit Negru Argintiu - ACCESORII

Cordon en nylon noir rouge avec attache mousqueton en finition argent UGS:CPBTNA du cordon:32 mm Longueur du cordon:1,50 mètre POIDS:0.4 kg
Tip 7280 – Ventil electric cu trei căi din bronz - Vane cu trei căi

Tip 7280 – Ventil electric cu trei căi din bronz - Vane cu trei căi

Compact threeway motor valve made from bronze for on / off and control with neutral media. Universal actuator options with various accessories available. Whitworth pipe thread NPT thread Positioner electronics, limit switch, position feedback All control actuators are also available with fail safe feature. Size:DN 15 - DN 40 Pressure:PN 16 Material:Bronze RG5 Media temperature:-30°C to +170°C Control force:800 N Motor voltages:24 V AC/DC, 230 V, 110/120 V Control:3-point; (0)2-10V; (0)4-20mA Application:Gases, vapours, liquids Protection class:IP65 Versions:Different control functions such as distributing and mixing function ...
capac din lemn pentru lumânare – personalizat pentru a se potrivi cu sticla – disponibil în toate dimensiunile

capac din lemn pentru lumânare – personalizat pentru a se potrivi cu sticla – disponibil în toate dimensiunile

Unser Unternehmen ist auf die Herstellung von Kerzendeckeln spezialisiert, die auf bestimmte Glaswaren zugeschnitten sind. Die Mindestbestellmenge beträgt 200 Einheiten. Unsere Produktionskapazität beträgt bis zu 100.000 Einheiten pro Monat. Die Produktion erfolgt in Polen unter Verwendung von FSC-zertifiziertem Holz polnischer Herkunft. Wir bieten Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten, darunter Größenanpassungen, Logo-Gravur und die Wahl des Holzes aus Buche, Eiche, Esche, Thermo-Esche und amerikanischem Nussbaum. Zu den Veredelungsoptionen gehören Ölen, Beizen und Lackieren. Erhältlich mit und ohne Silikon.
Super Shots – Focus Shot - Superfood

Super Shots – Focus Shot - Superfood

Der NutriPur Focus Shot besticht durch natürliches Koffein und Ginseng, was sich positiv auf Deine Konzentration auswirken kann. Die fruchtige Komponente bildet der Granatapfel, Chili sorgt für einen leicht scharfen Geschmack.
Crema de Zi: Crema de Zi cu Caviar – 50ml - Creme de Zi și de Noapte

Crema de Zi: Crema de Zi cu Caviar – 50ml - Creme de Zi și de Noapte

Cette crème de jour Caviar Day Cream à l’extrait de Caviar nourrit, hydrate, apaise et régénère votre peau. Enrichie en Extrait de Caviar et aussi en actifs hydratants, anti-âge, et booster d’éclat, elle est formulée avec des tensioactifs à base de sucre, du beurre de karité et un ester naturel. Cette crème vous procurera une sensation de douceur et vous accompagnera Jour après jour, la peau est lissée, les signes de l’âge sont moins visibles, votre peau paraît plus jeune. 98,4% d’ingrédients d’origine naturelle – convient à tous les types de peau. Utilisation : le matin après le nettoyage du visage avec un soin de la gamme Lisine. Appliquer une petite quantité sur le visage et le cou. Masser délicatement.
Zeus 141 – prosoape intercalate – pliere ZZ - Prosoape intercalate - Pliere ZZ

Zeus 141 – prosoape intercalate – pliere ZZ - Prosoape intercalate - Pliere ZZ

Zeus 141 – interleaved hand towels – zz folding - Interleaved hand towels - ZZ folding Cod. Product:25C24I/01 Code. EAN pack:8011909010689 Cod. EAN box:8011909010082 Paper quality / composition:Pure Cellulose Guardian:1 Processing:Embossed Size spread out:24 x 24 cm Folded size:24 x 8 cm Type of fold:piegato "zz" Packs per package:25 Packages per pallet:40 cartons
Smurf – Reflector Moale Nr. 10 - Reflectoare Moale

Smurf – Reflector Moale Nr. 10 - Reflectoare Moale

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Prosecco Rosé D.O.C. Millesimato – Extra sec

Prosecco Rosé D.O.C. Millesimato – Extra sec

Pale pink with lively highlights. Wild red fruits cherries. Lively hints of peache and apricots. An even surprising floral touch of Magnolia with Jasmine blooms. Acidity and sugar are well balanced; elegant and pleasantly fresh. Area:Venezia Typology:D.O.C.
Bruxelles – Tour & Taxis

Bruxelles – Tour & Taxis

Brussel – Tour & Taxis
Transductoare liniare seria PD – PE - Transductoare liniare incrementale, curse de la 60 la 990 mm

Transductoare liniare seria PD – PE - Transductoare liniare incrementale, curse de la 60 la 990 mm

Accurate, strong, easy to mount, and weatherproof, the transducers series PD and PE are the ideal solution when you need to measure thickness or control linear displacement on any kinf of industrial machine. High reading resolution (up to 0.005 mm) Easy mounting method High protection against environmental agents (IP65) Strokes: 60 ÷ 990 mm Strokes range:60 to 990 mm Resolution:0.05 to 0.005 mm Supply Voltage:10/24 or 5 Vdc Output signals:push-pull, line-driver, NPN open collector Protection Degree:IP65 Fixing:Easy fixing by moving feet or ball joints
Rochii de baie pentru femei Tsp – Imprimare Topsnow - Opțiuni

Rochii de baie pentru femei Tsp – Imprimare Topsnow - Opțiuni

USE Loungewear, Nightwear, Bathwear MEASURES Measurement chart fully customizable and adaptable From XS to XXXL MATERIALS 100% CO 90% CO / 10% Rec Pes 90% Bamboo / 10% Rec Pes 50% Modal / 40% Co / 10% Rec Pes 100% linen FABRICS Woven / Knitted fabrics Woven / Knitted terry STRUCTURE Velour / Waffle / Jacquard / Double face / Quilted / Special printed Structures CERTIFICATIONS Oeko-tex / GOTS / OCS FINISHED Embroidery Digital Print Conventional print Yarn dyed Garment Dyed
Carcasă detașabilă pentru carabină, nylon – 32456-02M - HUSE PENTRU ARME DIN TEXTIL

Carcasă detașabilă pentru carabină, nylon – 32456-02M - HUSE PENTRU ARME DIN TEXTIL

Detachable carabiner case, made of film-coated Cordura 600 nylon, camouflage green color, zip closure, protective inner pocket for the barrel, 20 mm velvet sponge inside, outer velvet lining (85 cm * 25 cm)


Comfort series filters Sizes: 1/4" to 1" Filter fineness: 5 – 20 – 50 µm Flow rate at 6 bar with ∆p 1 bar: 1900 to 6250 Nl / min Pressure range up to 15 bar
LCD – Detergenți cu Densitate Mică

LCD – Detergenți cu Densitate Mică

Centrifugal action, fundamental to optimize the separation, is ensured by the geometry of the cleaner itself.